Pardubice (September 8, 2023) - The day after the 12th year of the Transport Conference, which the leading players of the transport industry came to Pardubice, took place in the Doubravice area of the Pardubice Region Road Administration and Maintenance of the Pardubice Region for the 22nd Road Fair. Its space was filled with exhibitions of nearly seven dozen exhibitors, under the cloudless sky, visitors have also seen many practical demonstrations of technology and technology.

The road fair is a traditional event of the approaching end of the summer and the regional administration and maintenance of roads is the only one in the whole country that a similar presentation meeting of the professional public hosts. "Where else should such a fair take place than in the capital of traffic, as we heard yesterday at a traffic conference,“Said the first deputy governor of the Pardubice Region responsible for transport and transport services Michal Kortyš. "The fair is even a year older than the regional organization itself, and those who stood at its foundations knew what they were doing. I like that the original idea is developing every year and I can't even imagine that there should be a road fair somewhere else.

Not only meeting but also inspiration

The main charm of the September fair lies not only in demonstrating technology and technology, but also in the interconnection of representatives of all levels of the transport industry. That is, people who develop road equipment with those who use it in construction or maintenance of roads and, last but not least, politicians who are in charge of financing within the public sector. Of course, the fair has also brought many practical fruits during its existence. "For example, the Tatra project was arranged for schools, which I consider to be a great achievement in which we renew road technology with a positive impact on the regional secondary education,“The Deputy Governor Kortyš introduced some of the tangible results of the road fair. "I also received inspiration here for the requirement to use recycled material in road repairs. At present, we want suppliers to use a 15 % share of recycled, in the future we want to go up to twenty -five percent. And for example, last year I was very interested here, which in the road truck keeps the mixture at a temperature of two hundred degrees until it is placed on the road. Due to the volume of this activity, it is not needed, but we recommend it to our suppliers.

For the first time with the new director

Very inspiring was the twenty -second year of the road fair for Zdeněk Vašák, who introduced himself here in the position of the new director of the Road Administration and Maintenance of the Pardubice Region. Like the Deputy Governor, he considers the action to be beneficial. "The combination of the transport conference followed by an informal meeting with the road fair is, I think, great and I believe that I will not change the opinion and it will repeat in the future,“Said Zdeněk Vašák, Director of Road Administration and Maintenance of the Pardubice Region. He also appreciated the exhibitions of companies that arrived in Pardubice with the offer of specific products designed for everyday road practice. "Undoubtedly, I like to meet such companies, talk about those things, I have them explained, because I am still at the stage where I draw new information. I perceive that the horizons are expanding very quickly and here is the space to get contacts and get an idea of what could still improve our work,“Added the director of the road workers.

The future belongs to modern technologies

Like other visitors to the fair, he could look at this year's sixty -eight stalls, among which there were not yet seen novelties in Pardubice. The Czech premiere at the road fair was made by the new Hydradig machine from JCB, which was seen not only at the stand, but also in the practical demonstration. It is a device operated by one person who is able to prepare the surface of the road without the help of other machines, milled and cleaned so that it is possible to only lay a new surface.

Modern technologies are supported by both Deputy Governor and the new director of the road organization. "The world is constantly changing, and if we do not adapt, we have no chance of success. We need to go with progress, and this means using modern technology and streamlining work,“Said Zdeněk Vašák. Deputy Governor Kortyš acknowledges the savings of human resources in the case of similar machines. "There are less and less people in manual work. Road work is very heavy and modern technology can make it easier and thus make it more attractive,“Added Michal Kortyš.

Meeting with senior conveyors

The opening of this year's Road Fair, which was attended by Senator Miluš Horská or chairman of the Regional Chamber of Commerce of the Pardubice Region Jozef Koprivňanský, and a meeting with representatives of the senior club of transport workers Eastern Bohemia passed. With it, the Road Administration and Maintenance of the Pardubice Region has long maintained contacts and cooperation is likely to continue. "We agreed to follow it with the new director and we look forward to seeing the possibility of watching how the construction of roads in the Pardubice Region runs,“The President of the Association of former Transport Workers Bohuslav Fencl said. Seniors with great interest are monitored primarily by building a motorway network. "Fifty, this is an event that has been preparing for more than thirty years. We are glad that we have lived to realize. Within two or three years, four or five sections in the region will be under construction, which is absolutely unusual.

The next, the twenty -third, year of the road fair, should take place next Friday 6th September.

A photo from a road fair here
Photos from a traffic conference can be found here
Audio conference here.

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