Road Tunnels.

The section collaborates closely with the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic, especially in the development of implementing decrees pertaining to Government Regulation No. 264/2009, ensuring tunnel safety. This section also plays an instrumental role in the formulation and update of standards and technical provisions concerning road infrastructure beyond the purview of the Ministry of Transport. In this endeavor, it cooperates closely with the Traffic Police and the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. Moreover, active participation in the World Road Association (PARC) alongside organizing its own discussions at tunnel construction sites. The construction of road tunnels within the Czech Republic is highlighted at relevant professional conferences.

Ing. Vlastimil Horák

Chairman of the Road Tunnels Professional Section

Program činnosti odborné sekce

Collaboration focus:

  • Cooperating with the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic in the creation of implementing decrees and government regulations regarding tunnel safety in the Czech Republic.
  • Sustaining collaboration with the Ministry of Transport in developing and updating standards and technical conditions related to tunnel infrastructure.
  • Active involvement in PIARC working group negotiations.
  • Cooperating with the Transport Police and the Fire Rescue Service to enhance standards and technical conditions.

Discussion organization:

  • arranging section discussions at tunnel construction sites.
  • presenting road tunnel construction within the Czech Republic at professional conferences.

Články v silničním obzoru

Příspěvky sekce

28.11. 2011 The "Road tunnels" section took place

3. 1. 2012

The minutes of this meeting can be found in the "Documents" section, where you can find its attachments:
- Present list
- Piarc TC 3.3 2012-15 program
- Proposal of Equity Plan 2012

Česká silniční společnost z.s.
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