News from the activities of the Road and City Transport Engineering Section
Enrollment from 28. Section Sami - April 5, 2017, Main topic - Results CSD 2016

Czech road company z.s.
Czech Road Society
Novotný footbridge 5, 116 68 Prague 1,, tel./fax:221 082 292, tel.: 221 082 338
28. Section of the SAMDI section of the CSS z.s.
April 5, 2017, 14:00, Ipsos s.r.o., Slavic House,
Na Příkopě 22, 110 00 Prague 1

1. Opening
Chairman of the Sami Section Ing. Luděk Bartoš welcomed Lenka Sazmová and Ing. Stanislava Kubešová for accepting an invitation to this meeting, where they will inform about the results of the national census 2016.

2. Report on the Samdi Section Management
Bartoš reported that the Sami section met at 2 sessions last year, in June 2016, where the topic was "Information on the course of the National Transport Census", and in October as part of a road conference where the Sami and the Joint Meeting of the Sami and Road safety with the topic "Pedestrian crossing versus a place for crossing - a question of marking and safety". Furthermore, in the short presentation Bartoš introduced the activities of the Sami section over the past 10 years and recalled the discussed topics of all 28 meetings. In the end, he announced his resignation as chairman of the Sami Section.

3. Section of the Section Guidance
In connection with his resignation, Bartoš proposed as his successor to Ing. Stroller, previous secretary of the section. He called for other proposals for the chairman, none of them sounded. The present voted about the fact that Ing. Bc. Dagmar Kračárková, Ph.D. will become the chairwoman of the Sami section, with a result of 16 - 0 - 1. Then Bartoš handed over the stroller proceedings of the meeting.

  1. 24. - May 25, 2017 will be held XVIII. Traffic - engineering days in Mikulov at Hotel Zámeček. Kubr informed that the co -organizer of the conference will be, in addition to Brno roads as well as last year, the transport company of the City of Brno, a.s. The topic will be "Intelligent Systems - Transport, Parking, Public Transport", in 3 blocks there are 18 lectures from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Kočárková promised that the application with the invitation will be sent to the members of the section along with the enrollment,
  2. In the term 18 - 19 October 2017, the preparatory committee prepares a road conference in Brno at the Exhibition Grounds in Pavilion E. The time schedule of the conference is prepared in the same spirit as last year, ie on the first day the main part of the conference ends with a later lunch and in The afternoon parts will be reserved for the meeting of the CSS z.s. sections, a visit to the exhibition and for excursions,

She also stated that outside the contract are processed maps of regions and city maps (Department of Road Databank and NDIC Ostrava) and web application, where data will be gradually updated (now preliminary table outputs, the final form will be published in course of May 2017). In the end, Kubešová presented graphs showing the development of traffic loads of roads, development of transport performance, distribution of traffic current composition in individual years.
In the discussion, Heinrich asked whether the closures were taken into account during the CSD and whether they were taken into account, Kubešová replied that the closures were solved together with the contractor and, if possible .
Information on CSD 2016 closed by its presentation Ing. Martolos and introduced the conclusions of the calculations made by EDIP. The recalculation coefficients from 4 hour census were determined. Rpdi. Portable detectors were used to refine the coefficients, using which 20 weeks in each month were measured in 20 locations. Newly calculated coefficients have been compared with coefficients from 2010. In connection with EDIP, it proposes to update the conversion coefficients, respectively. Update TP 189.
In the discussion there was a question for roads for motor vehicles, extensive motorway repairs and their impact on transport.
In conclusion, Kubešová expressed his satisfaction over the course of CSD 2016, Martolos confirmed quality data with a minimum of measurement (about 2%), which indicated unreliable. Bartoš recommended that all roads II be included in the census next time. Classes, which Kubešová also supported, because in CSD 2016 in some regions a number of roads from the census fell and data are not. Vorel pleased the present by meeting the CSS Council on March 29, 2017 Mgr. Skovajsa, who presented the results of CSD 2016, admitted that the release of the number of roads II. The census classes were a mistake and these sections that they would be returned to the next census.
In conclusion, Kubešová announced that the next CSD is planned for 2020.

Česká silniční společnost z.s.
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